Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My Detour

     Its happened to us all at least once, some of us more. Your heading to your destination and a wrong turn or missed sign results in being lost. Imagine if in that moment of frustration or fear there was a person that you could ask for directions and they knew exactly where you needed to go. Someone who with out judgment or questions could get you back on the right path.

     Earlier this year I was pregnant with our 3rd child. It was an unplanned and surprising pregnancy. It took me a good 6 weeks to come to a final conclusion, that it must have been meant to be. I waited until I saw my baby’s heart beat on the ultrasound before planning out the next 18 years! Then right before 13 weeks I suffered a miscarriage. I felt completely lost and alone. 

     It was at that time in my life that I knew I had to make a very important decision. Was I going to let the sadness defeat me or was I going to defeat the sadness. I chose to move forward, becoming more thankful for the two healthy children I was already blessed with. I knew that one day if we did have a 3rd child that I would be able to tell him/her that they were meant for no one else but me. Because if it wasn’t for the loss of that pregnancy we never would have had him/her. That sometimes it’s the prayers we think went unanswered that end up just being the door that was opened instead. 

     It was a detour that even the best of planning could not have seen coming. I found myself lost and confused but to my surprise not alone. I was thankfully able to stop and ask for directions and God knew exactly where I needed to be.

Footprints in the Sand (my favorite poem)

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