Saturday, November 13, 2010

A Few of My Favorite Things...

     So with the Holidays approaching fast I wanted to take a minute to share some of the things that put a smile on my face. I guess you could say that this is a list of My Favorite Things.

~ Play-doh
~ Hot cup of tea
~ Catching the Ice Cream Truck
~ Hearing your babies heartbeat
~ When a baby falls asleep on you
~ Comfortable jeans
~ Warm fuzzy socks on a cold night
~ Getting the perfect picture
~ Taking my ponytail out 
~ When you open a book to the exact page you were looking for
~ Finally peeing after holding it forever 
~ When the phone rings and it’s someone you were just thinking about
~ Pouring a drink where the bubbles go right to the top but not over 
~ When there’s still time left in the parking meter when you pull up
~ When the public bathroom has paper towels instead of hand dryers
~ Getting in a line just before it gets really long
~ The perfect cup of coffee 
~ Taking your bra off after wearing it for hours 
~ Hot soup on a cold night
~ Snow falling on Christmas eve
~ The Perfect Egg Crack 
~ Finding money in your pocket from last year
~ Real-bearded Santa’s
~ Perfect parallel-parking on the first try
~ Christmas music
~ Finding a great deal
~ Smell of Hot Apple cider
~ Homemade apple pie
~ Your child’s face on Christmas morning
~ Miracle on 34th street 
~ Fresh Banana but bread
~ Getting a good parking spot in the rain
~ Warm fireplace on a cold winter night
~ The perfect haircut

~ Baby toes 

     What are some of your favorite things…the things that can put a smile on your face even on a gloomy day?

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