Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Secrets of a SAHM

I would never consider myself glamorous; rather, I would better describe myself as resourceful. My over-sized purse isn't meant to make a fashion statement. It is my home away from home. How else could I fit Band-Aids, sunscreen, antibacterial gel, keys, wallet, change, wipes, tissues - well, you get the point - into one bag?

 That cute up 'do that you see in the fashion magazines really deserves no admiration. It was only my desperate attempt to get the hair out of my eyes while searching for my son's shoes and chasing my diaper-less daughter through out the house. My make-up only applied because I need to clean the bathroom mirror from the toothpaste that magically appears on it every morning. My 5'5 and 115lb figure is not a product of self discipline or daily workouts. No ladies and gentlemen it is the product of my two children taking the food out of my hand and not being able to sit for a full meal since 2003.

 My glowing summer tan is not from a recent tropical vacation or relaxing tanning booth, no it is from teaching my son for hours to ride his bike while keeping the baby away from the road. That cute summer skirt is not meant to turn head; it is actually a time saving tool when using the bathroom. That's right the once simple 2 minute process that I took for granted is now accompanied by one child banging on the door and the other pulling out the diaper wipes from its container once again! Which will now explain that wonderful fresh clean scent you get when I walk by. No it is not perfume or fancy body spray; it is the cucumber melon baby wipes I find through-out my house during the day.

 By the way did I mention the cute pink top that everyone just loves on me. The top that was once white until my 5 year old threw a red shirt into my white wash and also one size bigger until my husband put it into the dryer. Yet I am not complaining because that means they listened when I asked for help around the house. Then there is my cute new pair of ballerina shoes that I bought for just one reason. The though of one less pair of shoes to tie through out the day!

 That's right, I am a Stay at Home Mom and there is no room in my day to worry about fashion sense when I need to keep my sanity. So next time you pass a mother with a cute outfit and big designer bag with her hair up and a perfect summer tan, when you smell that cucumber melon scent as she glides pass you just remember that the grass isn't always greener on the other side.

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