Thursday, September 23, 2010

Cat vs Bubbles

I woke up this morning to find our sole surviving beta fish had died at some point during the night. Really not a big deal to me, all he did was stare at me from his bowl while I typed, reminding me of one more thing I needed to clean! And after a few days my son will probably move on and start trying to convince me to get a hamster. I thought “Good, get the bad part of my day out of the way bright and early so the rest of my day can go smoothly“ … right?

I walked my son out to the bus, started the coffee maker, and posted a quick status on facebook before going to start my morning work-out. I knew I had about 30 minutes before my daughter would be waking up, plenty of time! I got my mat down and the cat came over to lay down, and as I pushed her off I noticed her fur was rough and matted.

Citrus with bubbles in her fur

I coaxed her into the bathroom and up to the sink with some cat food. With a wet washcloth I started to clean her fur and she started to foam with bubbles! That’s when it all started to make sense. Last night I went to the supermarket, leaving the kids with my husband. I waited until after we had eaten dinner and the kids had already taken their baths, leaving only 1 hour until bedtime. My husband would only have to keep the house in one piece for an hour then send them to their rooms for bedtime. When I came back 15 minutes after bedtime should have started I found both kids still awake and playing, and a big wet stain on my carpet. “What is that” I asked my husband. “Oh, Anjali spilled the bubbles on the floor” he responded. I brushed it aside and put the kids to bed, not putting much thought into it.

So here I am the next morning trying to keep the cat in the sink while washing bubbles out of her fur, not to mention trying to prevent myself from getting scratched and I had finally figured out what really happens in our house when I’m not there. My new goal for today is to find out what else is covered in bubbles. My lesson for the day, get the kids in bed early before leaving the house, and to find a better hiding spot for the bubbles!
Now she is clean, but mad!

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