Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Ballet, Insects & Birthday Cheesecake!

     I wanted to start by wishing my Mother a Happy Birthday! To a women who inspires me to be a better person. She is Affectionate, Beautiful, Compassionate, Delightful, Enthusiastic, Faithful, Generous, Honest, Independent, Joyful, Knowledgeable, Lovable, Modest, Nurturing, Optimistic, Patient, Quaint, Reliable, Selfless, Trustworthy, Understanding, Virtuous, Wonderful, Youthful, and Zealous. I hope that I too can acquire the same qualities throughout my life that she has. We love you Mom!
My Mother & me Christmas 1985
     Today was just your typical Wednesday. Despite being 5 minutes late Anjali had another successful dance class this morning. The class ended with two stamps…the highlight in the life of a 3 year old! My son had his first field trip this year, visiting the preserve to learn about insects. Thankfully he decided that he would not try to bring any home. I’ve learned over the past few years that sometimes a boring and uneventful day is exactly what you need.

     In honor of my mothers birthday I thought I’d go ahead and put up a great recipe for a Birthday treat. Enjoy!

White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake
1 cup chocolate cookie crumbs 
3 tablespoons white sugar 
¼ cup butter, melted 
½ cup high quality raspberry jam
2 cups white chocolate chips 
½ cup half-and-half cream 
3 (8 ounce) packages cream cheese, softened 
½ cup white sugar 
3 eggs 
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1. In a medium bowl, mix together cookie crumbs, 3 tablespoons sugar, and melted butter. Press mixture into the bottom of a 9 inch springform pan.
2. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C). In a microwave safe bowl, melt the white chocolate chips with half-and-half, stirring every 30 seconds until smooth. 
3. In a large bowl, mix together cream cheese and 1/2 cup sugar until smooth. Beat in eggs one at a time. Blend in vanilla and melted white chocolate. 
4. Pour half of batter over crust. Spoon 3 tablespoons raspberry jam over batter. Now pour remaining cheesecake batter into pan, and again spoon 3 tablespoons raspberry jam over the top. Swirl batter with the tip of a knife to create a marbled effect. 
5. Bake for 55 to 60 minutes, or until filling is set. Cool, cover with plastic wrap, and refrigerate for 8 hours before removing from pan. Serve with remaining raspberry sauce. 

* Tips : Ingredients should be at room temperature to prevent cracking. Also over mixing will cause cracking.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Meatloaf attempt!

     So I’m making meatloaf for the first time in over a year. My husband is not a big fan of meatloaf but I have always enjoyed it. I’m using an old recipe that I have never made for him so maybe he will enjoy this one…we’ll have to wait and see! I do know that the sauce on this meatloaf is sweeter than most others, so my children will love it. I’ll let you know the verdict tomorrow…

Meatloaf Ingredients: 
1 1/2 lbs ground beef
¼ cup bread crumbs or boxed stuffing mix (ground into crumbs)
1 egg
1 small sweet onion finely chopped 
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
4 tablespoons ketchup
1/2 cup whole milk (may need less)

3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
3 tablespoons dark brown sugar packed firm (to taste) 
1/2 cup ketchup

Combine all of the ingredients for the sauce and set aside. Combine all the meatloaf ingredients together and place into loaf baking dish. Smooth out the top of the loaf. Pour the sauce on the top and sides on the meatloaf. 

Bake at 350°F about 1 hour to 1 hour 15 minutes or until done.

Anyone else out there have a good meatloaf recipe I can try?

Scarecrows & Banana Nut Bread

    Today was Anjali’s Read & Pick class at Terhune Orchards. Luckily the weather held out for us and it didn’t rain at all while we were there. They read a story about scarecrows and then all the children got to make their very own scarecrow. It was so cute watching the kids try to stuff the clothes…and the parents trying to help! Of course Anjali helped for all of 5 minutes before running off to play of the tractor and chase the cats. Either way our scarecrow turned out very cute, and she painted a face on the pumpkin once we got home.

Anjali with her Scarecrow

Our trip to the farm ended with Apple cider slushies, cider donuts and candied apples…yummy!

Cider Donuts

Candied Apples

Now what better way to end a great fall day…Homemade Banana Nut Bread. This is the way I make mine and my family loves it...enjoy!

2 cups all-purpose flour 
1 teaspoon baking soda 
1 teaspoon cinnamon 
1/4 teaspoon salt 
1/2 cup butter 
3/4 cup brown sugar 
2 large eggs, beaten 
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
5-6 mashed very overripe bananas

1. Preheat oven to 350° and Lightly grease 9 x 5 loaf pan.
2. In large bowl, combine flour, baking soda, cinnamon and salt.
3. In separate bowl, cream together butter and brown sugar.
4. Stir in eggs, vanilla and mashed bananas until well blended.
5. Stir banana mixture into flour mixture; stir just enough to moisten. (add in walnuts if you are using them)
6. Pour batter into prepared loaf pan. (optional: sprinkle some extra brown sugar on top of the loaf before baking.)
7. Bake in preheated oven for 60-65 minutes until a toothpick inserted into center of loaf comes out clean.


Homemade Banana Nut Bread

Monday, September 27, 2010

School Lunch Menu

     Right now School lunch programs are be scrutinized by the media and health care professionals for being unhealthy and damaging to children. I have to say that my son eats the school lunches in our public school district and I couldn’t be happier with the menu. Sometimes I think he may eat a better lunch than I do! This is his upcoming weeks lunch menu:

Monday:  Whole Wheat Tyson Chicken Nuggets, Roasted Potatoes, Fresh Corn, Fresh Fruit, Choice of Milk: skim, 1%, chocolate or 4oz Fruit Juice

Tuesday:  Baked Scoops, Homemade Cheese Sauce, Turkey Taco Meat, Salsa, Brown Rice & Beans, Cucumber Chips with Lite Dip, Fresh Fruit, Choice of Milk: skim, 1%, chocolate or 4oz Fruit Juice

Wednesday: Pasta w/Fresh Marinara Side of Meatballs, Whole Wheat Italian Bread, Lettuce & Carrot, Salad w/Italian Dressing, Fresh Fruit, Choice of Milk: skim, 1%, chocolate or 4oz Fruit Juice

Thursday:  Grilled Cheddar Cheese On wheat/white, Chicken Noodle Soup, Orange Smiles, Chocolate Pudding, Choice of Milk: skim, 1%, chocolate or 4oz Fruit Juice

Friday:  Whole Grain Pizza, Orzo w/Shredded Carrots, Parmesan Broccoli, Fruit Cup, Choice of Milk: skim, 1%, chocolate or 4oz Fruit Juice

Everyday offers alternatives if the children do not like the main meal provided. The daily alternatives include:

Chicken Caesar Salad lunchserved with Fresh Fruit, Whole Wheat Bread, Choice of Milk: skim, 1%, chocolate or 4oz Fruit Juice

Bagel lunch: Bagel & Cream Cheese, Yogurt, Cheese & Whole Wheat Crackers, Fresh Fruit, Choice of Milk: skim, 1%, chocolate or 4oz Fruit Juice: 

Reduced Sugar Cereal Lunch: with Milk, Yogurt, Fresh Fruit, Cheese & Whole Wheat Crackers, Choice of Milk: skim, 1%, chocolate or 4oz Fruit Juice:

I also love that our schools use fresh vegetables from our local Jersey farms! I have to give credit to the person who creates and enforces the school lunch menu in our district, it gives me one less thing to worry about during the day. If I see something I think isn't so healthy then I pack my son a lunch for that day. What are your children eating in your school district?

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Cat vs Bubbles

I woke up this morning to find our sole surviving beta fish had died at some point during the night. Really not a big deal to me, all he did was stare at me from his bowl while I typed, reminding me of one more thing I needed to clean! And after a few days my son will probably move on and start trying to convince me to get a hamster. I thought “Good, get the bad part of my day out of the way bright and early so the rest of my day can go smoothly“ … right?

I walked my son out to the bus, started the coffee maker, and posted a quick status on facebook before going to start my morning work-out. I knew I had about 30 minutes before my daughter would be waking up, plenty of time! I got my mat down and the cat came over to lay down, and as I pushed her off I noticed her fur was rough and matted.

Citrus with bubbles in her fur

I coaxed her into the bathroom and up to the sink with some cat food. With a wet washcloth I started to clean her fur and she started to foam with bubbles! That’s when it all started to make sense. Last night I went to the supermarket, leaving the kids with my husband. I waited until after we had eaten dinner and the kids had already taken their baths, leaving only 1 hour until bedtime. My husband would only have to keep the house in one piece for an hour then send them to their rooms for bedtime. When I came back 15 minutes after bedtime should have started I found both kids still awake and playing, and a big wet stain on my carpet. “What is that” I asked my husband. “Oh, Anjali spilled the bubbles on the floor” he responded. I brushed it aside and put the kids to bed, not putting much thought into it.

So here I am the next morning trying to keep the cat in the sink while washing bubbles out of her fur, not to mention trying to prevent myself from getting scratched and I had finally figured out what really happens in our house when I’m not there. My new goal for today is to find out what else is covered in bubbles. My lesson for the day, get the kids in bed early before leaving the house, and to find a better hiding spot for the bubbles!
Now she is clean, but mad!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Making New Friends

     Although it's hard for me to believe, our daughter is turning 4 years old this December. When our son Conner was born I worked full time as a preschool teacher and that meant full time daycare for him. When he turned three I left my job to stay home with him, working part-time at night as a pharmacy technician while my husband was home. Nine (slightly complicated) months later our daughter Anjali was born. She has never had the experience of daycare because I'm home all day. While it has been my dream to be a SAHM it has come to my attention recently that it may be a slight disadvantage for her.

     Now I was a preschool teacher for 3-4 year olds for about 6-7 years so its not that I can't teach her or that she is behind other children her age. It's more of the social interaction that I feel she is missing out on. Anjali is a very outgoing, she must say hello to everyone we pass, and gets offended if she doesn’t get a response in return! She an attention hog and will jump in front of your camera even if she doesn’t know you…seriously if anyone out there has a strange blond child in there photos it may be my daughter! I needed to find a solution to her getting more socialization and me not being ready to give her up and put her into preschool…

Terhune Orchards

     So I signed her up for Read & Pick classes at a local farm, they read story books and then pick apples, flowers, pumpkins…you get the point. Next week they will be making scarecrows and I can‘t wait. But her favorite thing, and personally my favorite too, is dance class. She is joined by about 8 other little girls, who love dancing and share very similar personalities. We are only on week 2 but so far I’m loving it…almost as much as she is! She is making new friends and so am I…very important when being home with a 3 year old all day. So next year we will be joining preschool 3 days a week, but for now this has proven to be exactly what we were looking for!
The Dance Corner

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Secrets of a SAHM

I would never consider myself glamorous; rather, I would better describe myself as resourceful. My over-sized purse isn't meant to make a fashion statement. It is my home away from home. How else could I fit Band-Aids, sunscreen, antibacterial gel, keys, wallet, change, wipes, tissues - well, you get the point - into one bag?

 That cute up 'do that you see in the fashion magazines really deserves no admiration. It was only my desperate attempt to get the hair out of my eyes while searching for my son's shoes and chasing my diaper-less daughter through out the house. My make-up only applied because I need to clean the bathroom mirror from the toothpaste that magically appears on it every morning. My 5'5 and 115lb figure is not a product of self discipline or daily workouts. No ladies and gentlemen it is the product of my two children taking the food out of my hand and not being able to sit for a full meal since 2003.

 My glowing summer tan is not from a recent tropical vacation or relaxing tanning booth, no it is from teaching my son for hours to ride his bike while keeping the baby away from the road. That cute summer skirt is not meant to turn head; it is actually a time saving tool when using the bathroom. That's right the once simple 2 minute process that I took for granted is now accompanied by one child banging on the door and the other pulling out the diaper wipes from its container once again! Which will now explain that wonderful fresh clean scent you get when I walk by. No it is not perfume or fancy body spray; it is the cucumber melon baby wipes I find through-out my house during the day.

 By the way did I mention the cute pink top that everyone just loves on me. The top that was once white until my 5 year old threw a red shirt into my white wash and also one size bigger until my husband put it into the dryer. Yet I am not complaining because that means they listened when I asked for help around the house. Then there is my cute new pair of ballerina shoes that I bought for just one reason. The though of one less pair of shoes to tie through out the day!

 That's right, I am a Stay at Home Mom and there is no room in my day to worry about fashion sense when I need to keep my sanity. So next time you pass a mother with a cute outfit and big designer bag with her hair up and a perfect summer tan, when you smell that cucumber melon scent as she glides pass you just remember that the grass isn't always greener on the other side.

How young is to young?

I’m one of those mother that sits outside while the neighborhood children play, making sure that everyone “behaves” themselves. Thankfully my children are 7 and 3 years old so this has yet to embarrass them, for now. It has however turned me into the neighborhood mom that children come to when someone is hurt or misbehaving. The benefits: the children tell me everything! The other day I was sitting on my porch with my son and his two best friends. My son is 7 years old and his best friends, who are brothers, are ages 6 and 8. This is how our conversation went.

6 year old: Ms Crystal I know who I want my first girlfriend to be.
Myself: Oh really who would that be?
6 year old: A girl in my class Emmy, well her name is Emily but we call her Emmy.
Myself: Oh, okay. What does she look like?
6 year old: She has blonde hair and she is white, probably whiter than Conner.

Now Conner is my son, with strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes and yes he is the definition of pale. He plays outside for hours at a time but unless you see his bare behind than you can’t tell that child has ever seen sunlight! We joke and say that he is immune to the sun. His best friends on the other hand are naturally tan, brown hair and brown eyes and never need sun block.

Myself: Tell me what the difference is between a girlfriend and a friend that is a girl? 
6 year old: Well you kiss your girlfriend, but you don’t kiss your friends.
8 year old: And you hold their hand and spend more time with them than your friends.
Myself: Oh, and how old do you think you should be when you start kissing girlfriends?
6 years old: I think 10 years old is good for me.
Conner: 18, yup 18 is better
8 year old: I think when your in high school.
Myself: Okay I think high school is a good answer. Kissing girlfriends is a very grownup thing to do and you shouldn’t want to be a grown-up so fast. I think high school is a good time to think about it.

Then I sent them off to ride their bike while I pondered over what had just happened. Did I really just have that conversation? Shouldn’t their minds be focused on bugs, legos, and who can burp the loudest! This new generation is a good 5 years ahead of where we were at there age, and I’m not ready for it. Time needs to slow down…That’s what I think!