Monday, December 20, 2010

What if Santa doesn't come?

During the year we sponsor a child’s birthday. We buy a gift, decorations, and a small birthday cake. We bundle it all up and make a “Birthday Box” to give to the Childs parents…and that night the child gets a small birthday celebration. It breaks my heart to think that there are children that don’t know the wonder of blowing out candles on a birthday cake, and making a wish.

Of course when the Holidays came around it was only natural for me to also sponsor a child for Christmas. Each child has a small “about me” with their gift request. It allows you to understand their like and personalities. This year a little girl was asked what she wanted and this was her response. 

“I’d like a baby doll for Christmas. I really hope that Santa doesn’t run out this year”

When her teacher asked her if that is what she asked for last year her response was.

“Yeah but Santa didn’t come last year. Mommy said that he ran out of toys and that he had to make sure the sick children at the hospitals got toys first. But this year my mommy says that he should have enough to give to everyone.”

Well that story did it for me! I was tearing like a little baby. To know that a child might wake up on Christmas to nothing…that Santa never came…is just a heart breaking thought! But that little girl was able to accept that maybe their were children who needed a gift more than her and even more amazing is that she kept hope and joy in her heart, not giving up on the magic of Christmas. So this year for every gift I bought we donated a gift in return. This is something that my children have been taught to do from the very beginning, for every toy that comes into the house one gets donated to charity. 

As for the little girl that I sponsored this year…not only did Santa not run out of baby dolls but he is adding extra gifts for those children who didn’t get them last year.

Merry Christmas to everyone reading and don’t forget ~ the real magic is the smile and joy on a child’s face when they realize that someone out there was really listening to their wish.

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