Friday, December 31, 2010

How I tricked my kids into liking spinach!

     I’m lucky to have children who love fruits and vegetables. My son will order an adult size salad over chicken fingers and fries at a restaurant. The problem is during a busy day its hard to make sure they are eating the right amount of fruit and vegetables. So I started to research smoothies after watching an episode of Dr. Oz. I looked up many different recipes and read lots of reviews and tips. Once I decided on my ingredients it was time for the true test…getting my kids to drink it. 


1 banana sliced (no peel)
1 apple sliced (cored & peeled)
1 orange sliced (no skin or seeds) 
1 cup blueberries
1 cup apple juice (or other fruit juice)
1 handful of fresh spinach (no stems)

~ Blend until completely smooth and no “chunks” remain.

     So I blended the ingredients in my blender and poured it into the cups. We all sat down and tried it together. I liked…a bit tart from the blueberries I think but I like that. Anjali drank about half of her cup and Conner completely drank his. It was a success! Just to be sure that it wasn’t a one time thing I made them again today and this time my children fought over whose cup was who’s. I consider that a complete success and this smoothie will be a daily drink our home from now on!


  1. I am going to try this next week!

  2. I have been doing this too! I just got a VitaMix for Christmas and it is wonderful! I have thrown in spinach, carrots, and even kale. You dont even taste it! When I use greens I make sure to have blueberries because that hides the green!

    Now I need to know how you get your kids to choose a big salad over chicken fingers!! My kids dont like chicken fingers but will choose a grilled cheese or pasta!

  3. I think I'll be getting a VitaMix soon...I hear such great things about it! I'm very lucky my kids love veggies (raw) they are not big fans of cooked veggies, except corn. My son once actually turned down a free chocolate munchkin at Shoprite Dunkin Donuts because he saw a container of cherry tomatoes!
