Saturday, December 18, 2010

My grocery bill was $300...but I payed under $140!

     I love food shopping! I think this is something that you either hate or love… and I love it. I usually go alone while my husband is home with the kids so I can take my time and really get a good deal. This week my husband was on call all weekend so my daughter had to come with me while my son was at school. Thankfully Shoprite has a service to watch your children and my daughter is finally enough to spend time in there…and she loves it. What 4 year old girl wouldn’t love 2 teenage girls painting her nails and giving her their complete attention!

     So besides the food shopping I also needed some household items like toilet paper, dishwasher detergent, cat litter, cat food, dish soap and sponges. So I already knew that my $130 goal (for 2 weeks of groceries) was going to be a little higher this week. 

     Well I have to say that my trip was a great success! My Bill of $299.86 came down to $138.27 after my savings card was scanned and my coupons came off. So this trip I saved $161.59...Hooray! Over $40 of that was in coupons…oh how I love printable coupons! So for my family of 4 our total grocery bill (with a few household items included) came to $138.27 for 2 weeks…less than $10 a day!


  1. That’s incredible! I guess it does pay to spend a little more time printing off those coupons from the Internet, and clipping them from your Sunday newspaper. Great job!
