Sunday, October 10, 2010

Homemade is the way to go!

     So I have been feeling very creative lately. I am starting to do more projects around the house in preparation for the Holidays. The kids and I will be making home-made pretzels tomorrow after the baseball game. This is the recipe I will also be using as gifts for the Holidays, along with our homemade Christmas cookies. 

     The recipe I use makes two 16oz jars that I will give as gifts for the holidays. I cover the lid with cloth and tie some ribbon around the lid, add the recipe card and done! The total cost for me to make 12 of these gifts is about $40. That includes buying the mason jars, the cloths and ribbons, and the cost of buying all new spices (most of which I already have plenty of). So my actual cost will be much lower since all I have to buy is the yeast and parmesan cheese…and maybe an extra bag of flour. 

     We are also making homemade crayons. it’s a great way to reuse all of the broken and wasted crayons that are found through out the house during the year. Holiday silicone molds are the best…and you can find them in so many different themes! First separate the crayons by color (reds, blues, greens, etc…) and cut them into small pieces(remove any paper). Put the crayon pieces into the molds. Bake in oven at 225 degrees until completely melted. Let it set for a few minute before transferring them into the refrigerator. After about 15 minute in the fridge they should just pop out of the molds like butter! Great homemade gift to give children!

     The last activity will be for my new nephew. I am making him a framed monogram made out of crayons. Its so easy to make and very cheap if you find a cute frame like I did at the dollar store. I may even make one for Conner’s teacher this year.

Beer Bottle Pretzel Mix In A Jar 

3 1/3 cup whole wheat flour (or unbleached all-purpose flour)
1 tbs. sugar
1 package active dry yeast
1 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. dried oregano
1/4 tsp. dried basil
1/4 tsp. garlic powder
1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese

Stir together flour, sugar, yeast, and salt in a bowl. Stir together oregano, basil, garlic, onion, and cheese in another. Divide ingredients equally among two 16 ounce beer bottles or jars, layering if bottles are clear. This recipe makes 2 separate jars. If giving as gifts, tie a ribbon around the jars, and make sure to attach the directions below to the gift.
Beer Bottle Pretzels 

1. Empty 1 jar into a medium mixing bowl. Add 1/2 of a 12 oz can or bottle of beer (3/4 cup). Stir to combine. Knead on lightly floured surface until smooth. Cover and let rest in a warm area until doubled. (About 45 min.) 

2. Roll out on lightly floured surface into a 10'x6' rectangle and cut lengthwise into 6 strips. (Shape if desired or leave as strips.) Cover and let rise again until nearly doubled; about 30 min. Spritz with water and add sea salt or other topping *alternative option below.

3. Bake on the top rack of a 400 degrees F oven for about 8 minutes or until lightly golden. Transfer to wire rack to cool.

* Alternative option: If you want to boil them first, bring a pot of water to a boil. Dunk each of the pretzels into the boiling water for 5 seconds, then place them onto a baking sheet and sprinkle with coarse salt or other toppings. Use a pair of spatulas to hold the pretzel in place while holding it under water. This option makes better pretzels!


  1. that is such a great idea with the jars as gifts!! now i keep re-reading your post..its the cookie recipe you put in the jars? so most recieps for cookies fit into those jars? i may steal your idea one year! lol..
    i cant wait for Cheye to get older to do these kinds of things with her..
    we will be giving everyone homemade cookies as part of there gifts this year too..
    im hoping to start a tradition where we will bake christmas cookies together every year..i remember always doing it with my sister and dad every id like to try to give Cheye the same memories..ok now that i have rambled
    oh and congrats again on becoming an aunt!!!

  2. Thanks. Last year we did Banana bread recipe and hot cocoa recipe in a jar. This year we are doing the pretzel recipe in the jar and maybe another cocoa. It is great when the kids can finally start participating in the traditions...and have memories of them. Cheye can still join in...she can "help" roll the cookie dough and push the cookie cutters. Take lots of pics!

  3. I love the homemade crayon idea! We still use the jumbo size crayons so Monkey can't break them but once we graduate to the regular I still steal your idea.

  4. Amanda you can use cupcake/muffin tins. If you put cupcake papers in each spot then the broken crayon pieces into each one, it will make large chunky crayons. Use the oven directions just like the ones in the blog and then once they have cooled peel away the cupcake papers. Thats what I did when the kids were smaller but now I can get creative.
