Friday, October 1, 2010

Life is full of B's

Anjali is turning 4 years old this December. That gives me only one more year to stay home with her than its off to pre-school for one year, then Kindergarten! I’ve created a lesson plan to help improve her basic knowledge and writing skills. Each week is a new letter and everything I do revolves around that letter. This week we have been focusing on the letter “B“.

Foods we have been eating are: Blueberry pancakes, Biscuits, Banana Bread, Bagels, Bologna, Peanut Butter Balls, and chocolate B’s. 

Peanut Butter Balls & Chocolate B's
Our big project was making Peanut Butter Balls, and I piped the letter “B” on each one. Then with our leftover chocolate I helped her pipe the letter “B” onto wax paper so she could have a yummy chocolate treat to bring to her Brother Baseball team or share with her Ballet class.

On her “scavenger hunt” she found: Bus Book, Bear, Bumble Bee, Balls, Babies, Bottles, Sponge Bob, and a Boat.
Letter "B" scavenger hunt
She traced the letter “B” on Blue paper with glue then applied the cheerios to it (only because I was completely out of beans!) 

I also laminate (clear tape on each side) a cut-out of the letter we are doing. We take that letter everywhere with us. Each time she sees an object that starts with the her letter she pulls it out to show me. At ShopRite she found a Balloon and at the farm a Butterfly, Birds, and lots of Bees! She also loves to play hide in seek with the cut-out. I hide the letter (near an object that starts with it) and she has to find it.
Letter "B" hide & seek
Of course we have our worksheets and other basic skills we learn each week also, but this is my favorite part of teaching. She has fun doing it and so do I, and that’s what makes it work so well. Next week we move onto the letter…”L”.

Peanut Butter Balls

Mix 1/2 cup all-natural peanut butter, 1/3 cup homey, and 1 cup powered milk in bowl. Roll into 1" balls. Melt 6oz chocolate and dip balls into the chocolate. Place onto wax paper in the refridgerator until hardened.

1 comment:

  1. "B" look like they taste good. Speaking of tasting Monkey's favortie part about lesson time it trying to eat glue, Lord help me.
