Monday, March 25, 2013

DIY Dry Erase Calendar

This is pretty straight forward. I saw the picture, I liked the idea, I made it!

The Idea...

I used an old oak frame I bought at the thrift store for $1 (painted it white to match my “soon to be Kitchen theme”.  Then we went “shopping” at Lowes. I really did need paint for the kitchen walls, but my secondary goal was to score a bunch of free color samples for the Calendar. My kids are great at leaving the store with a million of these in hand! I made sure to get the ones that already had a small square cut out of them so I wouldn’t have to do it myself.

I put my son to work deciding what order the different shades of blue should go in. When he was done we taped them down to the paper in the frame, we went with a white background but any color paper or cloth can be used to match your décor. I wrote the days of the week and taped them down also but left the month and number spots blank to fill in with the dry erase marker. Then we put the back on, hung it up and got to writing.

...Our finished Dry Erase Calendar. 

I already had the white paint and white paper, plus the dry erase markers at home. The paint color samples were free. So the only thing I actually bought for this was the frame.  Total cost: $1 

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