Monday, March 25, 2013

DIY Dry Erase Calendar

This is pretty straight forward. I saw the picture, I liked the idea, I made it!

The Idea...

I used an old oak frame I bought at the thrift store for $1 (painted it white to match my “soon to be Kitchen theme”.  Then we went “shopping” at Lowes. I really did need paint for the kitchen walls, but my secondary goal was to score a bunch of free color samples for the Calendar. My kids are great at leaving the store with a million of these in hand! I made sure to get the ones that already had a small square cut out of them so I wouldn’t have to do it myself.

I put my son to work deciding what order the different shades of blue should go in. When he was done we taped them down to the paper in the frame, we went with a white background but any color paper or cloth can be used to match your décor. I wrote the days of the week and taped them down also but left the month and number spots blank to fill in with the dry erase marker. Then we put the back on, hung it up and got to writing.

...Our finished Dry Erase Calendar. 

I already had the white paint and white paper, plus the dry erase markers at home. The paint color samples were free. So the only thing I actually bought for this was the frame.  Total cost: $1 

DIY Farmhouse Table...$130 total!

So I decided that at 30 years old, having 3 children now and buying our first home, that it was time for us to own a “grown up” table. Something that wasn't put together with a tool that is included in the box! I wanted a place that all of us could sit for meals and maybe even some extra room for guests when they visit. While I wasn't extremely picky about the look of the table (although my husband would probably disagree with that statement), I was very picky about how much I wanted to spend. I mean come on…why can’t I have a farmhouse style table that sits 8-10 people for under $300. Is that really asking too much? Apparently it was…so I had to either change my plans or change my budget.

Those who know me, know that I’m not great at compromising when I have a plan set in my mind. So I decided my very talented and handy husband could certainly find a way to get me that beautiful table and save us money. Boy was I right! I showed him the picture of what I wanted. 

I found it on Pinterest (where else!). He found the plans online at this wonderful website, went off to Lowes to buy the wood, came home and made me a table right in our dining room in just 4 hrs!

After a good sanding I stained it with a color called gun stock  added polyurethane for protection, and viola…a masterpiece! I now have a beautiful 8 ft long farmhouse table that can fit our whole family plus guests. Our only change from the actual plans were to omit the stretcher (long piece of wood that runs under the table) because I could just picture my children hanging all over it!

Its huge! I'm in love

Bad lighting...sorry

Don't mind the mess

Total cost for the wood, a new toy (Kreg jig) my husband needed…oops I meant tool  ;)  the sanding materials and the stain/polyurethane I picked out came to…$130. I can’t even describe how many times I passed by the dining room just to look at it! 

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Black & Blue End Table ~ $11.50

Room, room and more room! I’m not complaining…but when you go from an 1200sqft apartment to a 2200sqft home…you seem to have a lot less furniture. I've never had a living room and separate family room before, so we are lacking in furniture. Our living room consisted only of a couch (my husband got a almost new black leather Lay z boy couch from a client for free) and an area rug that we moved from our dining room when we got our “grown up table” (that post will be coming soon…and it is Amazing!) Needless to say…it was lacking not just in furniture, but in character also. I knew I wanted to get an end table that I could “fix up”. Below is a picture of my "inspiration" from Pinterest. Its completely not the color or design I wanted but I loved that they added their own creativity to it. 

So I went to a few different thrift stores over the next week and finally found my diamond in the ruff. It was an old brown end table that had a faint smell of cigarettes…ugh. After some much needed cleaning and sanding, and airing out, it was ready to paint. I went with black (a reoccurring theme you will see throughout my home) and used some of the leftover paint from our bathroom redo to give it some character. Here is a picture of the wood before we started.

And here is the after shot. I love how it turned out, and in total it only cost me $10 for the table and $1.50 for new knobs…can’t beat $11.50. 

Out with the with the Bathroom redo...$100

Well more than just my blog name has changed in the past 1 & ½ years! I’m now a Stay at home mother of three children…Baby William was born in July of 1012. Then a month later in August we bought our first home. Very exciting times but stressful and chaotic too!

One of the beautiful joys of home ownership and raising three children is no longer having money. Okay maybe I’m exaggerating but I definitely don’t enough money to decorate my home with the pottery barn and Pier one magazines that I’d like to. So that’s where Pinterest comes into play. Thousands of pins filled with inspiration just waiting for me to try!

One of our first big projects was the guest bathroom. Its kind of small and it was overpowered by dark wood, yellow tile, and a red laminate counter top…all original to the house! I loved the look of this bathroom  (picture below) I found while on Pinterest:

I loved how the white stood out and looked so clean next to the cool blue. So we painted the walls with a beautiful blue, put in a smaller white vanity (on sale for $69 at Lowes), and put down laminate peel & stick tiles. In total we spent about $100…and it looks like a whole new space. 

Old Bathroom (the red counter peeking out in the corner)

Fresh and clean!

I Love It! And for just $ makes me love it even more.